How to Write Great Content for Your Website
How to Write Great Content for Your Website
Think about the web content you enjoy reading. The most engaging web content captures your attention, shares information, solves a problem, or inspires you to take action. How can you put these principles into practice for your own website? Let’s break it down.
Key Features of Your Home Page
Your website home page should contain a clear value statement that differentiates you from your competitors and connects you with your ideal customer. Provide visitors with an immediate, clear impression of your business with your elevator pitch—a quick summary of your business and its unique value proposition.
Showcase your best or freshest content on your home page, and include a call to action to clearly guide your visitor through your website.
Use Teaser Content
Teasers are short snippets of content designed to capture attention and encourage your website visitors to read more, increasing their average time on your site. Tease your products or services on your Home Page with links to individual web pages that cover those products or services in depth.
Include Relevant CTAs
Every page of your website should have a clear call to action (CTA). Whether you’re offering a free consultation or a weekly email newsletter, a strong CTA enhances the user experience and improves conversions. The best CTA will be brief, include compelling action words, and clearly explain why your reader should click, call, or sign up.
Web Pages vs. Individual Articles: What’s the Difference?
Web pages contain evergreen content, or long-lasting content that continues to stay relevant over time. Designed to establish your authority and educate your website visitors, each web page is designed with a clear objective and covers a single subject.
Your About page is the place to share the history of your business, what sets you apart, and your unique approach or philosophy. If your business provides services, each service should be covered by an individual page with content that goes in-depth, offering your readers thorough, specific, and helpful information that they won’t find anywhere else.
When you incorporate keyword research into your evergreen content and optimize web pages for SEO, you boost your website’s authority and drive traffic to your site from search engines.
Individual articles are the place to share educational blog posts, staff profiles, company news, upcoming events, and more. There’s nothing Google loves more than fresh content, so posting consistently on your blog (at least once a month, but ideally a few times per week) gives Google and other search engines fresh content to scan, boosting your overall site SEO in the process.
As you write, remember that the best blog posts share value with your readers. The overall goal with your blog content is to provide an ongoing stream of useful information to engage your audience and help build your business.
Too busy to write content for your website? We understand! Our web content creation team writes custom, high-quality content designed to appeal to your audience and optimized for search engines as part of your overall digital marketing strategy. If you’d like further details, please get in touch!