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Help customers find you

Local Search Visibility

What do your customers find when they look for you online? Is the information that Google, Yelp, and other search listings have about your business accurate? Are your business profiles filled with 5-star reviews from satisfied customers?

Your digital presence doesn't end with your website. Review and social sites are some of the first things that people are likely to see when they search for your business. Our Local Search team can help you gain control of these listings, develop a review pipeline, and respond to every review that comes in, whether good or bad.

The Local Search package includes:

Reputation Management

Online reviews are a critical element of developing and sustaining a positive reputation for your business. Nearly 70%* of Americans use the internet for research and opinions about a product or business, with online reviews factoring heavily into their purchase decisions.

Our Reputation Management service allows you to influence the information those customers read by actively engaging your satisfied customers to generate positive reviews. Our team also develops tools and strategies to identify and address the customers who might be inclined to write a less-than-stellar review.

Proactive Review Requests
Custom review generation solutions specifically tailored for your business
Automated Campaigns
Automated email and/or SMS systems prompt your customers for reviews and referrals
Review Funnel
Our review-gating technology gives you the opportunity to address negative feedback
Review Monitoring
Our system monitors your chosen platforms and notifies us of new reviews
Customer Interaction
Positive or negative, every review gets a response from our team
No Shady Business
White-hat techniques comply fully with review site guidelines
Integration with popular mainstream and industry-specific review sites
Website Embeds
Embed a review feed directly on your website so that readers can see what clients have to say about you
Take control of your business's visibility
All in One

Local Search Package

Maintain full control over your business's online visibility and reputation with Brentwood Visual's Local Search Package.

Control your image with:

Local Search Management:
  • Full management of selected local listings
  • Management of other listings through Trusted Data Partner
  • Correct NAP pushed to all listings
  • Hours of operation, photos, and logos included on listings
  • We monitor and suppress duplicate listings
  • Ongoing monitoring and management
Reputation Management:
  • Review funnel for requesting customer reviews
  • Automated email/SMS review invites
  • Daily monitoring of new reviews from targeted platforms
  • Notifications of all new reviews
  • Our team replies to every review
  • Consulting on constructive responses to negative reviews
  • Embedded reviews available for your website
  • Live reporting dashboard

Let's put you on the map.
All of the maps.

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Young female doctor

Local Search Visibility

Cabinet shop owner

Search Advertising

Wine shop owner

Social Media Marketing

Bookstore owner

Content Marketing

Coffee Shop Owner

Website Design