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Brentwood Visual News and Tips


Here's Why Local Search Should Be On Your Radar

As a small business owner, you know that having an online presence is crucial for success. However, are you aware that having accurate local business listings can make a significant difference in helping your business stand out from the competition? In this article, we will discuss the importance of local search and why it should be on your radar.

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Woman browsing email at her computer

Understanding Email: The Ins and Outs of Accessing Your Business Email Account

If you're in business, email is a part of your daily life. But for as much as we use it, most people don't understand the technical "mysteries" behind their email address. As a result, many people stick with the free accounts such as Hotmail or Gmail, even though these aren't as professional as an email account that includes your domain name. Understanding the basics of account types and how to access your email can give you the confidence to make the switch to domain-based email, as well as make a huge difference in the way you interact with your email account and speeding up your daily workflow.

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Data driven marketing approaches

Data Driven Approaches to Content Marketing

The best marketing depends on data. Whether it’s the customer data that drives better targeting and segmentation, or the use of predictive analytics to understand buyer behavior, companies that use data are finding new ways to reach consumers and increase sales. In this post we will take a look at various approaches to marketing with data.

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Reopening Soon? Start Coordinating Now

As the shock of the COVID-19 Stay at Home Orders (coupled with the forced shutdown of businesses) finally begins to wear off, the focus is shifting to how to reopen.

Businesses owners will be faced with a myriad of decisions as individual States progress through their phased reopening plans. We'd like to offer our recommendations for how to coordinate your reopening through your digital presence.

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Driving traffic to your website (you may not be doing it right!)

Everyone wants to drive traffic to their website, and everyone wants that traffic to turn into paying customers. But sitting there waiting for that traffic to appear isn't a great approach.

Most marketing techniques fall into one of two very broad categories. Push marketing involves techniques that get your message out in front of the customer to make an impression on them. Pull marketing is creating content that is sitting there waiting for the customer to come find it. Without a well-designed strategy, we find that most business owners tend to focus on pull marketing. While this is important, without the balancing approach of push marketing you are not likely to see the results you are looking for.

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Is SEO really the solution you're looking for?

Sometimes a buzzword seems to define an entire industry. In digital marketing, that buzzword seems to be SEO. When I introduce myself to someone and say I'm a digital marketer, the most common response is “Oh, you do SEO!”

Well yes, we do SEO. Oftentimes we’ll have a customer contact us asking for SEO, but when we dig into their needs we discover that SEO isn’t really what they’re looking for, and it’s often not the best solution.

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Marketing sketch on the wall

Exploring the Digital Marketing Funnel

Throughout our website, you’ll see us refer to the “Digital Marketing Funnel”. Anyone who has taken a marketing class or read a good marketing book is familiar with funnels, and there’s nothing magical about ours.

What the funnel provides for us is a roadmap. It gives us a starting point, and a structure that we can come back to when we start to drift. All that glitters is not gold, and there is a lot of glitter out there in the marketing world. Everyone has new ideas on the latest and greatest thing that “every business” needs to be doing. Many of these ideas are exciting and innovative, but if they’re not incorporated with the end goals in mind they can lead us off track.

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Planning a Marketing Budget

How much should I spend on Digital Marketing?

How much of your business revenue should be spent on digital marketing? This is a question we hear a lot, and the simple answer is that there’s no simple answer. The “magic number” you typically hear is 10%. The Small Business Administration recommends budgeting 7-8% of gross revenues to marketing, assuming revenue below $5 million and profit margins of 10-12%.

The reality is that it’s far more important to look at your own needs and goals to determine where you want to take your business.

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